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Navigating Through The Loneliness Of Motherhood

Writer's picture: 3 min read | THE EDITORS3 min read | THE EDITORS

When it comes to motherhood loneliness has to be one of the most relatable experiences, but sadly one of the least discussed. The constant cycle of feeding, changing, tidying and washing (and everything else in between) can begin to resemble something quite similar to Ground Hog day on steroids. Hold tight mama's - understand that you are not alone on this journey and many are facing the same feelings too. Honesty is the most important attidtue to have towards parenting - in order to connect with other women who are experiencing the same fears and feelings. Let's fight the stigma attached to loneliness and begin to help one another.

Here are 3 steps to overcoming the loneliness of motherhood.

1. A smile and a "hello" can make a difference.

Challenge yourself to be bold and talk to all the other mama's you meet. Whether that be at baby groups, in the supermarket or on at the park. Granted this can be akward at first, but the more you put yourself out there, the easier it will become. Get talking, sharing and laughing with some other like minded mama's amd watch your mama group grow.

2. Pick up the phone

Routine can takeover so fast that it is so easy to lose contact with people. The world is also so fast paced that messages and emails can easily be missed. Start by taking it back to the 90's and actually 'picking up the phone'. Call that friend you haven't spoken to in over a month because your plans to get together keep falling flat, and commit to a date to get together.

3. Plan a group meet up

Getting togther with a group of mama's can be so much fun. With so many different age groups of children, parenting techniques and tips there can be so much to learn. It's also sometimes a lot easier to attend a group meet up, as we feel more committed to attending. Check out the amazing Mush Mums app that allows you to meet up with other local mothers for playdates or a simple coffee. It's a fab way to meet new people and who know's you may find a new mama bestie.


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