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5 Life Purpose Questions Every Mama Should Know

Writer's picture: 3 min read | by Monika Kloeckner3 min read | by Monika Kloeckner

Being a busy mum brings daily challenges. Looking after your family and running the household give you only little or no time to contemplate the deeper meaning of your life.

You may think that bringing up children is your life purpose. You are right. Bringing up your children is a lifelong job which is both exhausting and also rewarding. But have you ever thought what you are going to do as soon as your children have grown up? They may go off to university or college. They may move to another city to work.

I believe that any mama can live her life’s purpose while her children still live at home. It takes a little a bit of soul searching to find out what makes your heart sing. But it can be done.

The following questions are meant to give you a kick start to getting motivated and excited in finding or rekindling your life purpose.

1: What did you dream about of becoming before having children?

I would like you to write down a list of everything you wanted to do with your life before you got married and had your children. Think about what your dream was and maybe still is. Make a note in a journal or on your computer about the job you always wanted to do, where you wanted to live, and where you wanted to travel to. You may have had so many ideas but have postponed them or even given up on. Revive them today by visualizing what you still want to achieve. If you feel more comfortable to draw up your dreams, please do so. Be creative and get excited again!

2: How can you organise your time to make space for your passion TODAY?

Begin by reorganising your life today. The action plan is to write down all of your activities for one week. This may begin by getting up at 7am with waking up the kids, making breakfast and getting ready for school and work. Please be precise with the times so that you can reorganise your activities later more easily. At the end of the week take a look at everything you have done. Decide what kind of activities you could eliminate or delegate. Once you have worked through your options you hopefully have freed up time for yourself. It takes time and persistence to make these changes. But it will be rewarding in the end and you have time to add your life purpose into your current life.

3: What is your ultimate passion?

I believe that this may be a tricky question. Your answer may be that you do not know your passion. Maybe you may be saying that you have many passions, but you are not sure what it could be.

You may have a passion for writing into your journal. Maybe you love blogging about a specific subject. But you also love painting, crocheting and travelling. When you have many passions it is difficult to decide what the main passion is. To resolve the issue, I suggest you connect with your Inner Child. Close your eyes, calm your mind and then ask your Inner Child what his biggest passion is. You may need to be patient and do this exercise a few times until you receive an answer. The reason might be that your mind is too busy. But with a little practice you will receive the answer. This exercise can be applied too if you do not know your life purpose at all.

4: What is stopping you?

This is one of the biggest hurdles I often find my customers have. The fear of change is one of the common issues. When you fear change in your life begin by thinking of a contingency plan first. This plan can be saving up for just in case you need to support your family while working on your life purpose. As mentioned in question 2, you may want to reorganise your weekly activities. If you do work full time, ask your manager whether you could work part time. Making thorough preparations for living the meaningful life you are dreaming of is vital to eliminate your fear of living your life purpose.

Then ask yourself what is the actual fear of change. Is the fear of failure or the fear of success? Both fears can keep you living the life in your comfort zone. The comfort zone may be serving you at the minute. But what do you want to do and where do you want to be in 3 years and 5 years’ time. Ask yourself what could your children and grandchildren be proud of what you have achieved in this life? What can you tell them about the meaningful life you have lived?

5: How can you bring spirituality into your life?

Spirituality is not part of a religion. You can be spiritual but not be religious. I live a spiritual life by being kind to people. I have removed judgement and criticism from my mind. I believe that spirituality begins by accepting every person I meet in life with unconditional love. I try to put myself in their shoes. I always look to find the best qualities in a person. It has worked for me beautifully until now.

Since becoming an advanced theta healing practitioner in 2010 I have been able to change my life by doing belief change on myself. It has given me a confidence boost and self-belief.

I worked as a fundraiser for a charity in 2011. It gave me satisfaction and contentment because I was able to help animals who needed support. However, when we are at service for people or animals we need to think about ourselves. Compassion for ourselves is as vital as looking after other people. You can bring spirituality into your life by eating healthy food, meditation or simplify your life. This includes de-cluttering your home and your mind.


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