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An Interview With Vicki Psarias aka Honest Mum - The Most Honest Mother In Britain

Writer's picture: 4 min read | by Team Mama Wins4 min read | by Team Mama Wins

When it comes to the truths of motherhood so many of us want to be frank, but quite frankly suck at doing so. We seldom give our honest opinion about the highs and lows of motherhood and keep insisting that everything is okay - so it comes as no suprise to see Vicki Psarias taking the world by storm with an army of mothers rooting her on, as she delivers pure honesty about being a mum.

Equipped with an 'can do' attitude and savviness like no other Vicki has so very pleasantlly blessed mothers with the ultimate survival guide to surviving and thriving at work and at home. If you're a working mum or thinking about becoming one then MumBoss may be the perfect read for you. With insights into time management, positive affirmations and advice from another mother, what's not to love?

We sat down with Vicki to find out more about her life, beliefs, projects and the exciting things she has lined up for the future.

How did you get started in your field?

I set up when I had my first baby, Oliver, as a means to rediscover my voice and regain my confidence after a traumatic birth. It then organically became a career so I left directing and focused solely on blogging and vlogging full time. I'm so grateful for this gloriously democratic internet as it's enabled me to work around my family in a nourishing, well paid and vitally, flexible career.

What are your top 3 tips on balancing work life and motherhood?

Become organised. Use that digital calendar, lay out uniform and make lunches from the night before, simply do what you need to do to make life easier for yourself. Reach out for help, accept it when it's offered (it takes a village) and divide your work and home space. When my kids return from school, my desk aka the dining room table becomes the dining room table again until they go to bed. Life relies on balance and moderation, and that sometimes means accepting things won't always be balanced and moderate. Be kind to yourself.

How do you get motivated?

I look to the arts and media for inspiration as well as my family. I love that I write about my passions on the blog from food to film and beyond. I read widely too.

Do you have any tips to kickstart a positive morning?

I don't enjoy breakfast anyway and do intermittent fasting so tend not to eat it. I do enjoy lemon in hot water first-thing in the morning and after the school-run I try and do half an hour of yoga before even opening up my emails. It's taken years to get to this point but this is how I roll on a morning, now.

So, tell us more Vicky about what inspired you to write your newly released book 'MumBoss'?

It's the book I wish I'd had myself, when I had my first child and starting blogging, and it's been something I've wanted to write for years but I'm so glad I wrote it when I did, because I've learnt so much over these 7 1/2 years blogging and I share it all in there.

What's the one thing you wish you had known before you had children? Trust your gut, it won't let you down.

What is your favourite red fashion staple piece?

Ooh I have a red dress I bought years ago from Miss Selfridge which reminds me of lots of happy occasions in my life, and works for day or night. The brilliant designer Dara Ford created me a bespoke red dress for my book launch party that I adore and will treasure, and wear, always.

If you had not taken the vlogging/writing career path, what field might you be in now?

I think a more linear route to directing. I love that I've diversified into lots of creative areas though, and the dream is to combine this with a return to directing and hopefully directing a feature film. I'd love to do more TV work and I adore presenting so watch this space.

Who has been your biggest supporter?

This one needs to be shared between my husband Peter, my parents George and Vasoulla, and my manager Jack Freud.

What's next on the radar for Vicki Psarias?

Lots of exciting things hopefully. A product collaboration coming soon, more TV work, and if I can convince my husband, maybe another baby in the next few years. Who knows!

MumBoss is available to purchase online.

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